USD98436S - Design for a shoe - Google Patents

Design for a shoe Download PDF


Publication number
USD98436S US D98436 S USD98436 S US D98436S
United States
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Application number
Herbert Holtz
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Feb.4,1936. u' H. Hou-z Des. 98,436
Filed Nov.v 15,- 1935 E106?? :fait
Patented Feb. 4, 1936 Des. 98,436
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Herbert Holtz, Haverhill, Mass.
Application November 15, 1935, Serial No. 59,592
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a View in side elevation and Fig. 2 is Be it known that I, Herbert Holtz, a citizen of a top plan view of a shoe showing my new dethe United States, residing at Haverhill, in the sign.
county of Essex and State of Massachusetts, have I claim:
invented a new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for a shoe as shown. for a Shoe, of which the following is a specica- In testimony whereof, I have signed my name tion, reference being had to the accompanying to this specification.
drawing, forming part thereof, in which: HERBERT HOLTZ.



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