USD97091S - Design fob an illuminated mirror - Google Patents

Design fob an illuminated mirror Download PDF


Publication number
USD97091S US D97091 S USD97091 S US D97091S
United States
Prior art keywords
illuminated mirror
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Edwin W. North
Filing date
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Des. 97,091
1935- E. w. NORTH ILLUMINATED MIRROR Filed June 27, 1934 INVENTOR.
E dwm [U Nari/v,
70. BY, J M M ATTORNEYS Patented 0a. 1, 1935 D 97,091
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ILLUMINATED MIRROR Edwin w. North, Rockford, 111., assig'nor to National Look 00., Rockford, 111., a corporation of Delaware Application June 27, 1934, Serial No. 52,353
Term of patent '7 years To all whom it may concern: In the drawing:
Be it known that I, Edwin W. North, a citizen Fig. 1 is a side view; of the United States, residing at Rockford, in the Fig. 2 is a front view; and
county of Winnebago and State of Illinois, have Fig. 3 is a rear view.
invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim:
for an Illuminated Mirror, of which the follow- The ornamental design for an illuminated ing is a specification, reference being had to the mirror, as shown.
accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. EDWIN W. NORTH.



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