USD96091S - Design for a cocktail shaker - Google Patents

Design for a cocktail shaker Download PDF


Publication number
USD96091S US D96091 S USD96091 S US D96091S
United States
Prior art keywords
cocktail shaker
Prior art date
Application number
Joseph M. Chernoff
Filing date
Publication date




July in, 1935.
III-Er- E J. M. CHERNOFF Des. 96,091
COCKTAIL SHAKER Filed April 6, 1935' INVENTOR. 4
Patented July 2, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Joseph M. Chernoff, New Britain, Conn.
Application April 6, 1935, Serial No. 56,251
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side e1evational View of the cock- Be it known that I, Joseph M. Chernofi, a cititail shaker, showing my design; and
zen of the United States, residing at New Brit- Figure 2 is a top plan view thereof.
ain, county of Hartford, and State of Connecti- I claim:
cut, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a cocktail shaker mental Design for 2, Cocktail Shaker, of which as shown. the following is a specification, reference being JOSEPH M. CHERNOFF.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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