USD96002S - Design for a skillet or similar - Google Patents

Design for a skillet or similar Download PDF


Publication number
USD96002S US D96002 S USD96002 S US D96002S
United States
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Application number
Leclare H. Amrine
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Des. 96,002
June 25, 1935. L. H. AMRINE SKILLET OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Sept. 13, 1934 IN VEN TOR.
Patented June 25, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SKILLET OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Leclare H. Amrine, Chicago, Ill., assignor to Imperial Molded Products Corporation, Chicago,Ill.
Application September 13, 1934, Serial No. 53,270
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may, concern: Figs. 1 and 2 show top and side views respec- Be it known that I, Leclare H. Amrine, a citizen tively of the skillet or similar article, showing my of the United States, residing at 532 Roscoe design.
Street, in the county of Cook and State of 11- Iclaim:
linois, have invented a new, original, and or The ornamental design for a skillet or similar namental Design for a Skillet or Similar Article, article, as shown. of which the following is a specification, refer- LECLARE H. AMRINE.
ence being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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