USD95655S - Design for a plate or similar - Google Patents

Design for a plate or similar Download PDF


Publication number
USD95655S US D95655 S USD95655 S US D95655S
United States
Prior art keywords
new york
Prior art date
Application number
Yukio Buma
Original Assignee
Morimura Bros
Filing date
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Des. 95,655
May 21, 1935. Y.,BUMA I PLATE 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed sept. 1, 1954 7 3 INVENTOR BY ATTORNEY Patented May 21, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A PLATE 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Yukio Buma, New York, N. Y., assignor to Morimura Bros. Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of Japan Application September 1, 1934, Serial No. 53,181
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: my new design, a repeat unit of which is con- Be it known that I, Yukio Buma, a subject of tained between the dotted lines. Said unit is the Emperor of Japan, and a resident of the city, repeated about the circumference of the plate in county, and State of New York, have invented a the relation indicated by the extension of the new, original, and ornamental Design for a detailed showing beyond the dotted lines. Plate or Similar Article, of which the following I claim: is a specification, reference being had to the The ornamental design for a plate or similar accompanying drawing, forming part hereof. article, as shown and described.
The drawing is a plan View of a plate showing YUKIO BUMA.



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