USD95328S - Design for a cabinet - Google Patents

Design for a cabinet Download PDF


Publication number
USD95328S US D95328 S USD95328 S US D95328S
United States
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Solomon M. Ginsburg
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Patented Apr. 23, 1935 Des. 95,328
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CABINET Solomon M. Ginsburg, Boston, Mass., assignor to The Shawmut Manufacturing Corporation of Connecticut Application February 11, 1935, Serial No. 55,338
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it many concern: The figure is an isometric perspective view of Be it known that I, Solomon M. Ginsburg, a a cabinet showing my new design.
citizen of the United States, and a resident of The rear of the Cabinet is substantially plain Boston, in the county of Suifolk and State of except as may be seen from the figure presented.
Massachusetts, have invented a new, original, I claim:
and ornamental Design for a. Cabinet, of Which The ornamental design for a Cabinet, as shown the following is a specification, reference being and described.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming part SOLOMON M. GINSBURG.
hereof, in which:



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