USD95066S - Design fob a table lamp - Google Patents

Design fob a table lamp Download PDF


Publication number
USD95066S US D95066 S USD95066 S US D95066S
United States
Prior art keywords
table lamp
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Oscar A. Keinhold
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April 2, 1935. o. A. REINHOLD Des. 95,066
LLLLLLL MP Filed Jan. 11,'1935 Patente-d Apr. 2, 1935 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TABLE LAMP Oscar A. Reinhold, Chicago, lll. U Application January 11, 1935, serial No. 54,812
Term of patent 31/2 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation of my new design Be it known that I, Oscax` A. Reinhold, a. citifor a lamp, and, zen of the United States, residing at Chicago, in Figure 2 is an enlarged detail in plan of the the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have top fitting or cap of the lamp base. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim: for Table Lamps, of which the following is a The ornamental design for a table lamp, as specification, reference being had to the accomshown and described. panying drawing, forming part thereof.
In the drawing: OSCAR A. REINHOLD



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