USD94555S - Design for a game cabinet - Google Patents

Design for a game cabinet Download PDF


Publication number
USD94555S US D94555 S USD94555 S US D94555S
United States
Prior art keywords
game cabinet
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Benjamin E. Mittelman
Original Assignee
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Feb. 12, 1935. 1-; Mn-TELMAN I Des. 94,555
GAME cABIiqE'r Filed Nov. 5, 1934 2 Sheets-Sheet l K730672775? 2M; mm
Des. 94,555
Feb. 12', 1935.
a ag/ 6727 57 M Patented Feb. 12, 1935 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A GAME CABINET Benjamin E. Mittelmamvhicago, 111., assignor to Ruttenberg & 00., Chicago, 111., a corporation of Illinois Application November 5, 1934, Serial No. 53,892
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is a perspective view thereof.
Be it known that 1, Benjamin E. Mittelman, a I claim: citizen of the United States, residing at Chicago, The ornamental design for a game cabinet as in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have shown. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design Signed at Chicago, Illinois, this 3rd day of for a Game Cabinet of which the following is a November, 1934. specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings forming a part thereof: BENJAMIN E. MI'I'IELMAN.
Figure 1 is a plan view of a game cabinet showing my new design; and



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