USD94043S - Design for a jar - Google Patents

Design for a jar Download PDF


Publication number
USD94043S US D94043 S USD94043 S US D94043S
United States
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Olbert C. Noble
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Dec. 11, 1934. o, c: NOBLE Des. 94,043
Filed OCT, 16: 1934 INVENTOR Patented Dec. 11, 1934 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A JAR Olbert C. Noble, Washington, Pa.., assignor to Tygart Valley Glass Company, Washington, Pa., a corporation of West Virginia Application October 16, 1934, Serial No. 53,631
Term of patent 7 years To whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a face view of a jar embodying my Be it known that I, OIbert C. Noble, a citizen design; Fig. 2 is a side view thereof, and Fig. 3 is of the United States, residing at Washington, in a plan view of the jar.
the county of Washington, State of Pennsylvania, I claim:
have invented a. new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a jar, as shown.
Design for a Jar, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accom- OLBERT C. NOBLE.
panying drawing, forming a part hereof.



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