USD93917S - Design fob a waffle iron grid - Google Patents

Design fob a waffle iron grid Download PDF


Publication number
USD93917S US D93917 S USD93917 S US D93917S
United States
Prior art keywords
iron grid
waffle iron
design fob
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Application number
Philip A. Eyrick
Filing date
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Nov. 27, 1934. p EYRICK Des. 93,917
I WAFFLE IRON, GRID Filed 001?- 1934 .nl HI Philip gflz'ch:
Patented Nov. 27, 1934 Des. 93,917
UNITED'STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A WAFFLE IRON GRID Philip A. Eyrlck, Arlington, Mass. Application October 1, 1934, Serial No. 53,450
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is a cross section of the device shown Be it known that I, PHILIP A. EYRICK, a citiin Figure 1.
zen of the United States, residing at Arlington, The bosses constituting the design elements in the county of Middlesex and State of Massain the several quadrants have flat tops with slopchusetts, have invented a new, original, and ing sides.
ornamental Design for a Waflie Iron Grid, as I claim:
shown in the accompanying drawing and de- The ornamental design for a waflle iron grid, scribed in the following specification. as shown and described.
In the drawing: PHILIP A. EYRICK. Figure 1 is a plan view of the wafile iron grid showing my new design; and



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