USD93575S - Design for a table - Google Patents

Design for a table Download PDF


Publication number
USD93575S US D93575 S USD93575 S US D93575S
United States
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new york
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Ray Rice
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Des. 93,575
R. RICE ET AL Oct. 9, 1934.
TABLE Filed Aug. 8, 1934 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TABLE g Ray Rice, New York, and Henry Jensen, Q Brooklyn, N. Y.
Application August 8, 1934, Serial No. 52,863
Term of patent 14 years being had to the accompanying drawing, forming To all whom it may concern: part thereof, wherein,
Be it known tha't we, RAY RICE, a. citizen of Figure l is a front perspective view of a table U. S. A., and HENRY JENSEN, a German subject, showing our design. residing at New York city, in the county of New Figure 2 is a, side perspective view of the same. York and State of New York, and at New York Figure 3 is a, rear perspective View of the same. city, Borough of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings We claim: and State of New York, respectively, have invented The ornamental design for a table as shown. a. new, original, and ornamental Design for Tables, RAY RICE. of which the following is a specication, reference HENRY JENSEN.



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