USD93400S - Design for a typewriter - Google Patents

Design for a typewriter Download PDF


Publication number
USD93400S US D93400 S USD93400 S US D93400S
United States
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Rixford U. Jennings
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Sept- 5, R. u. JENNINGS Des. 93,400
TY'PEWRITER Filed May 1, 193
' INVENTOR Rixfilrd U Jennings 1 1 jf i 5 t ATTORNEY Patented Sept. 25, 1934 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TYPEWRITER Rixford U. Jennings, Buffalo, N. Y. I, Application May 1, .1934, Serial No. 51,614
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: In the drawing:
Be it known that I, RIXFORD U. JENNINGS, a Fig. 1 isaperspective view ofatypewriter showcitizen of the United States of America, residing ing the new design, and at Bufialo, in the county of Erie and State of Fig. 2 is a plan view. New York, have invented a new, original, and or- I claim: name-ntal Design for a Typewriter, of which the The ornamental design for a typewriter, as following is a specification, reference being had shown. to the accompanying drawing forming a part RDGORD U. JENNINGS. thereof.



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