USD93275S - Design fok an auxiliary game table - Google Patents

Design fok an auxiliary game table Download PDF


Publication number
USD93275S US D93275 S USD93275 S US D93275S
United States
Prior art keywords
auxiliary game
game table
design fok
Prior art date
Application number
Margaret W. Karpe
Filing date
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Sept. 11, 1934. w KARPE Des. 93,275 AUXILIARY GAME TABLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Jan. 20. 1934 INVENTOR MARGAPET W KAQPE ATTORNEY Patented Sept. 11, 1934 D 93,275
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN AUXILIARY GAME TABLE OR SIIVIILAR ARTICLE Margaret W. Karpe, Lcs Angeles, Calif. Application January 20, 1934, Serial No. 50,461
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective View of the article Be it known that I, MARGARET W. KARPE, a citishowing my new design.
Zen of the United States, residing at Lcs An- I claim: geles, in the county of Los Angeles, and State of The ornamental design for an auxiliary game Caiffcrnia, have invented a new, original, and ortable or similar article, as shown. namental Design for an Auxiliary Game Table or MARGARET W. KARPE.
Similar Article, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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