USD92706S - Design for a cap - Google Patents

Design for a cap Download PDF


Publication number
USD92706S US D92706 S USD92706 S US D92706S
United States
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Application number
Arthur W. Dahlqtjist
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y 10, 1934- A. w. DAHLQUIST Des. 92,706 Q CAP Filed Oct. 28, 1953 Fl5.l
527165565 INVEN TOR.
Patented July 10, 1934 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Arthur W. Dahlquist, San Francisco, Calif.
Application October 28, 1933, Serial No. 49,581
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational view, slightly in Be it known that I, ARTHUR W. DAHLQUIST, a perspective, of a cap showing my design; and citizen of the United States of America, resid- Fig. 2 is a side elevational view, slightly in ing at San Francisco, in the county of San Franperspective, of the same.
cisco and State of California, have invented a I claim:
new, original, and ornamental Design for Caps, The ornamental design for a cap substantially of which the following is a specification, referas shown.
ence being had to the accompanying drawing, ARTHUR W. DAHLQUIST. forming a part thereof.



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