USD92575S - Design for a display stand for eggs - Google Patents

Design for a display stand for eggs Download PDF


Publication number
USD92575S US D92575 S USD92575 S US D92575S
United States
Prior art keywords
display stand
Prior art date
Application number
Mason C. Binkley
Filing date
Publication date




June 26, 1934.
M. c. BINKLEY Des. 92,575 DISPLAY STAND FOR EGGS Filed Nov. 23, 1933 Patented June 26, 1934 i Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A DISPLAY STAND FOR EGGS Mason 0. Binkley, State Line, Pa. Application November 23, 1933, Serial No. 49,835
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a view in perspective of a display Be it known that I, MASON C. BINKLEY, a citizen stand for eggs embodying my design, the dotted 0f the United States, residing at State Line, in lines representing the eggs not being claimed. the county of Franklin, and State of Pennsyl- I claim:
Vania, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a display stand for mental Design for a Display Stand for Eggs, of eggs as shown and described. which the following is a. specification, reference MASON C. BINKLEY.
being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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