USD92380S - Design for a strip shingle - Google Patents

Design for a strip shingle Download PDF


Publication number
USD92380S US D92380 S USD92380 S US D92380S
United States
Prior art keywords
strip shingle
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Application number
John A. Topping
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May 29, 1934. J. A. TOPPlNG Des. 92,380
O STRIP SHINGLE Filed Dec. 20, 1933 INVENTOR brew/7 75PP/NG Q BY MV-S/ M ATTZZNEYS Patented May 29, 1934 Des. 92,380
PATENT OFFICE Asphalt Process Corporation, New York, N. Y.,
UNITED STATES DESIGN FOR A STRIP SHINGLE John A. Topping, Bronxville, N. Y., assignor to a corporation of New Jersey Application December 20, 1933, Serial No. 50,156
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern.
Be it known that I, JOHN A. TOPPING, a citizen of the United States, residing at Bronxville, county of Westohester, State of New York, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Strip Shingle, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof The figure is a face view of a strip shingle showing my new design.
It is understood that the design claimed may be embodied in a strip of definite or of indefinite length which may be used as a roof covering or may be embodied in a siding or other building covering or similar article of manufacture without departing from the spirit of my invention.
What I claim is:
The ornamental design for a strip shingle as shown and described.



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