USD92321S - Design for a combination liquid - Google Patents

Design for a combination liquid Download PDF


Publication number
USD92321S US D92321 S USD92321 S US D92321S
United States
Prior art keywords
combination liquid
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Application number
William H. Semon
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May 22, 1934.
w. H. SEMON Des; 92,321 COMBINATION LIQUID REGISTERING METER AND FAUCET Filed Feb. 26, 1934 'l Ill W I Z m 77/?Je77/ 07' J 7/5 or 'neys Patented May 22, 1934 Des. 92,321
PATENT OFFICE LIQUID Application February 26, 1934, Serial No. 50,868
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, WILLIAM H. SEMON, a citizen of the United States, residing at Minneapolis, in the county of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Combination Liquid Registering Meter and Faucet, of which the following is a, specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, wherein:
Fig. 1 is a perspective view illustrating a combination liquid registering meter and faucet embodying my new design;
Fig. 2 is a View in side elevation of the same; and
Fig. 3 is a View in front elevation of the same.
What I claim is:
The ornamental design for a combination liquid registering meter and faucet, substantially as shown.



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