USD91643S - Design for a plate - Google Patents

Design for a plate Download PDF


Publication number
USD91643S US D91643 S USD91643 S US D91643S
United States
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John Bergner
Original Assignee
Trenle China Company
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March 6, 1934. BERGNER Des. 91,643
PLATE Filed Aug. 10, 1933 311410144301, QII/In 56/397767 BEST AVAILABLE COP! 5 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A PLATE John Bergner, East Liverpool, Ohio, assignor to Trenle China. Company, East Liverpool, Ohio Application August 10, 1933, Serial No. 48,980
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a plan view of a plate, showing Be it known that I, JOHN BERGNER, a citizen of my new design; the design illustrated being conthe United States, residing at East Liverpool, in tinued throughout the border of the plate. the county of Columbiana and State of Ohio. I claim: have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a. plate, as shown Design for a Plate, of which the following is a. and described. specification, reference being had to the accom- JOHN BERGNER. panying drawing, forming part thereof.



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