USD91510S - Design for a light fixture - Google Patents

Design for a light fixture Download PDF


Publication number
USD91510S US D91510 S USD91510 S US D91510S
United States
Prior art keywords
light fixture
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Application number
Harry S. Clarke
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Feb. 20, 1934. H. s. CLARKE Des. 91,510
LIGHT FIXTURE Filed Nov. 18 1953 I IHHHH I HIHIHI HHHH l :1 w v P UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A LIGHT FIXTURE Harry S. Clarke, Long Beach, Calif., assignor to Fritz Ziebarth, doing business as Southwest Street Company, Long Beach, Calif.
Application November 18, 15533. Serial No. 49,784
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation of my light fixture. Be it known that I, HARRY S. CLARKE, a citi- Figure 2 is a half bottom plan view of the same.
zen of the United States, and a resident of Long Figure 3 is a. half top plan view of the same.
Beach, in the county of Los Angeles and State I claim:
of California, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a light fixture, as
ornamental Design for a Light Fixture, of which shown.
the following is a specification; reference being HARRY S. CLARKE.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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