USD91432S - Design for a floor covering - Google Patents

Design for a floor covering Download PDF


Publication number
USD91432S US D91432 S USD91432 S US D91432S
United States
Prior art keywords
floor covering
Prior art date
Application number
Charles O. Karpf
Original Assignee
Mannington Mills
Filing date
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Jan. 30, 1934. c. o. KARPF Des. 91,432
FLOOR COVERING Filed Nov. 25, 1933 Patented Jan. 30, 1934 D 91,432
DESIGN FOR A FLOOR COVERING Charles 0. Karpf, New York, N. Y., assignor to Mannington Mills, Incorporated, Salem, N. J., a corporation of New Jersey Application November 25, 1933. Serial No. 49,876
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: ing drawing forming part thereof, in which the Be it known that I, CHARLES O. KARPF, a citifigure is a face view illustrating my new design zen of the United States and a resident of New for a floor covering.
York city, State of New York, have invented a I claim:-
new, original, and ornamental Design for a The ornamental design for a floor covering,
Floor Covering, of which the following is a specisubstantially as shown.
fication, reference being had to the accompany- CHARLES O. KARPF.



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