USD90988S - Design for a biscuit baker - Google Patents

Design for a biscuit baker Download PDF


Publication number
USD90988S US D90988 S USD90988 S US D90988S
United States
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William B. Kochner
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Des. 90,988
" Nov. 7, 1933.
w. B. KQCHNER BISCUIT BAKER Filed Aug. 17, 1933 I I lllllllH UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BISCUIT BAKER William B. Kochner, St. Louis,,Mo., assignor to Knapp-Monarch Company, Belleville, 111., a corporation of Missouri Application August 17, 1933. Serial No. 49,044
Term of patent '7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation of a biscuit baker Be it known that I, WILLIAM B. KOCHNER, a citiembodying my new design; and
zen of the United States, and a resident of St. Figure 2 is an end view of the same.
Louis, in the county of St. Louis and State of I claim:
Missouri, have invented a certain new, original, The ornamental design for a biscuit baker suband ornamental Design for a Biscuit Baker, of stantially as shown.
which the following is a specification, reference Des Moines, Iowa, July 28, 1933.
being had to the accompanying drawing, forming WILLIAM B. KOCHNER.
part thereof.



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