USD90777S - Design for a lamp fixture - Google Patents

Design for a lamp fixture Download PDF


Publication number
USD90777S US D90777 S USD90777 S US D90777S
United States
Prior art keywords
lamp fixture
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Application number
Leslie Lippard
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' n Sept. 26, 1933. L|ppARD Des. 90,777
LAMP FIXTURE Filed June 23, 1933 Patented Sept. 26, 1933 ,y Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A LAMP FIXTURE Leslie Lippard, Salida, Colo. Application June 23, 1933. serial No. 48,509
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: panying drawing, in which the figure is a per- Be it known that I, LESLIE LIPPAED, a citizen of spective view of the design.
the United States, residing at Salida, in the I claim:-
county of Chaee, State of Colorado, have in- The ornamental design for a lamp fixture, as
Vented a new, original, and ornamental Design shown.
for a Lamp Fixture, of which the following is a In testimony whereof I affix my signature.
specification, reference being had to the accom- LESLIE LIPPARD.



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