USD89559S - Design for a kitchen cabinet - Google Patents

Design for a kitchen cabinet Download PDF


Publication number
USD89559S US D89559 S USD89559 S US D89559S
United States
Prior art keywords
kitchen cabinet
Prior art date
Application number
William D. Williams
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March 28, 1933- w. D. WiLLlAMS, JR Des. 89,555.
KITCHEN CABINET Filed Dec. 9, 1932 WILL/AM fl. Mum/vs J12:
Patented Mar. 28, 1933 Des,
WILLIAM D. WILLIAMS, JUNIOR, 01 RICHMOND, INDIANA Q DESIGN FOR A KITCHEN CABINET Application filed December 9, 1932. Serial No. 46,403. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern: to the accompanying drawing, forming a part Be it known that I, WILLIAM D. WILLIAMS, thereof JUNIOR, a citizen of the United States, resid- The illustration is a perspective View of a ing in the city of Richmond, in the county kitchen cabinet, showing my new design.
of Wayne and State of Indiana, have in- I claim:
vented a new, original, and ornamental De- The ornamental design for a kitchen cabisign for Kitchen Cabinets, of which the folnet, substantially as shown.
\owing is a specification, reference being had WILLIAM D. WILLIAMS, JUNIOR.



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