USD89532S - Habby negbattb - Google Patents

Habby negbattb Download PDF


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USD89532S US D89532 S USD89532 S US D89532S
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Habby Negbattb
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g Des. 89,5/3'2 March 21,v 1933. H. NEGBAUR I SMOKERS TRAY OR ARTICLE- OF ANALOGOUS NATURE Filed Jan. 2l, 1953 Negbazj lN'vENToR Harry BY I ATTORNEY Patented Mar. 21, `1933Y Y d l Des.
*'-UNIT-ED STATES PATENT OFFICE v` DEsrGN Foa A sMoKERs TRAY on ARTICLE oF ANAmGoUjs NATURE Applicationy led January 21, 1933. Serial N0.'46,926. Term of patentk 3f years.
To all whom it concer/n.' In the drawing: Y
Be it known that I, HARRY NEGBAUR,a citi-y Fig. 1 is atop plan View of the smokers zen of the United States of America, and a tray or article of analogous nature, and resident of New York, in the county of Newy Figs. 2 and 3 are side 'elevational and end York and State of New York, have invented views of the same, respectively.
, a new, original, and ornamental Design for a 'I claim:
Smokers Tray or Article of Analogous Na- Theornamental design for a smokers tray. ture, of which the following is a specification, or article of analogous` nature as shown. reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forminga part hereof. HARRY NEGBAUR.



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