USD88813S - Geobges megboz - Google Patents

Geobges megboz Download PDF


Publication number
USD88813S US D88813 S USD88813 S US D88813S
United States
Prior art keywords
textile fabric
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Application number
Geobges Megboz
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Dec. 27, 1932. G, MEGROZ TEXTILE FABRIC OR THE LIKE Filed Nov. 18, 1932 m. H m N N QR v 0 NE W R M [Y GB Patented Dec. 27, 1932 I UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE GEORGES MEGROZ, OF BBONXVILLE, NEW YORK, ASSIGNOR TO WULLSCHLEGEB & (70., OF NEW YORK, N. Y., A FIRM DESIGN FOR A TEXTILE FABRIC OR THE LIKE Application filed November 18, 1932. Serial No. 46,050. Term of patent 3} years.
To all whom it may concern: The dot and dash lines on the drawing out- Be it known that I, GEORGES MEGROZ, a citiline the design unit, which unit is repeated in zen of the United States, residing in Bronxregular succession, as indicated by the exville, Westchester County, New York, have tensions beyond the unit boundaries.
invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim:
Design for a Textile Fabric or the like, of The ornamental design for a textile fabric which the following is a specification, referor the like, as shown and described.
ence being had to the accompanying draw ing, forming part thereof. The figure is a GEORGES MEGROZ.
surface View of a piece of textile fabric or the like showing the design.



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