USD87259S - Joseph obanat - Google Patents

Joseph obanat Download PDF


Publication number
USD87259S US D87259 S USD87259 S US D87259S
United States
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united states
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Joseph Obanat
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June 28, 1932. J, RAN) -40; 87,259
FINGER RING Filed April 12, 1932 INVENTOR.
Patented June 28, 1932 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE JOSEPH GBANA'I, 01 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA DESIGN FOR A FINGER BIN G Application filed April 12, 1932. Serial No. 48,486. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern: companying drawing, forming a part Be it known that I, JOSEPH GRANAT, a citithereof. zen of the United States of America, resid- The figure is a a perspective view of my ing at San Francisco, county of San Frandesign, both sides of which are the same. cisco, and State of California, have invented I claim a new, original, and ornamental Design for The ornamental design for a finger ring Finger Rings, of which the following is a substantially as shown and described. specification, reference being had to the ac- JOSEPH GRANAT.



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