USD86903S - Design fob a heat absokbeb fob electbic lamps - Google Patents

Design fob a heat absokbeb fob electbic lamps Download PDF


Publication number
USD86903S US D86903 S USD86903 S US D86903S
United States
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Leon Appleman
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May 10, 1932. APPLEMAN 86,903
HEAT ABSORBER FOR ELECTRIC LAMPS Filed July 17, 1930 INVENTOR Patented May 10, 1932 Des. 86,903
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A HEAT ABSORBER FOR ELECTRIC LAMPS Application filed July 17, 1930. Serial No. 36,380. Term 01' patent 3; years.
To all whomz'tmag concern: reference being had to the accompanying Be it known that I, LEON APPLEMAN, a drawings, formingapart thereof, wherein citizen of the United States, and residing Figure 1 is an elevation of the present inat Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny ve-ntion; and Fig. 2 is a plan view thereof. and State of Pennsylvania, U. S. A., have in- I claim:
vented a new, original and ornamental De- The ornamental design for a heat absorber Sign for a Heat Absorber for Electric Lamps. for electric lamps, substantially as shown. 0 which the following is a specification, LEON APPLEMAN.



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