USD86237S - Design for a liquid dispenser - Google Patents

Design for a liquid dispenser Download PDF


Publication number
USD86237S US D86237 S USD86237 S US D86237S
United States
Prior art keywords
liquid dispenser
Prior art date
Application number
Demetrios N. Jumes
Filing date
Publication date




Feb. 16, 1932. D N, MES l Des. 86,237 '4 LIQUID DI SPENSER Filed July 15, 1951 :El g1;
Patented Feb. 16, 1932 Des. 86,237
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESJ'IGN FOR, A LIQUID DISPENSER y Application. led July 15, 1931. Serial No. 40,556. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: Fig. l is a front elevation of a liquid dis- Be it known that I, DEMETRIOS N. JUMES, penser showing my new design.
a citizen of the United States, residing at Los F ig. 2 is a side elevation of the same.
Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles and I claim:
State of California, have invented a new, The ornamental design for a liquid disoriginal, and ornamental Design for a Liquid penser, as shown.
Dispenser, of which the following is a specifieation, reference being had to the accom- DEMETRIOS N. JUMES.
panying drawings, forming part thereof.



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