USD86066S - Design fob a clock case - Google Patents

Design fob a clock case Download PDF


Publication number
USD86066S US D86066 S USD86066 S US D86066S
United States
Prior art keywords
clock case
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Emma M. Thomas
Original Assignee
Warben Telechhon company
Filing date
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Jan. 19, 1932. E. M. THOMAS Des. 86,066 0 CLOCK CASE Filed Oct. 30, 1931 lnvehtbr: Emma M. Thomas,
H is Attorney.
Patented Jain. 19, 1932 Des UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE EMMA M. THOMAS, or WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR To WARREN TELECHRON COMPANY, A CORPORATION or MAINE DESIGN ron' A CLOCK CASE Application filed October 80, 1931. Serial No. 41,566. Term of patent 14 years.
1 '0 all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 of the drawings is a front View of a Be it known that I, EMMA M. THOMAS, a clock case, and Fig. 2 a side view thereof,
citizen of the United States, residing at Walshowing my new design.
thaln, county of Middlesex, State of Massa- I claim:
chusetts, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a clock case ornamental Design for a Clock Case, of which as shown.
the following is a specification, reference be- EMMA M. THOMAS.
ing had to the accompanying drawings, forming part thereof.



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