USD85738S - Design for a radiator cap - Google Patents

Design for a radiator cap Download PDF


Publication number
USD85738S US D85738 S USD85738 S US D85738S
United States
Prior art keywords
radiator cap
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Application number
Henry G. Dibelka
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Dec. l5, 1931.
H. GDIBELKA Des. 85,738 l r RADIATOR CAP Filed Sept. 21. 1951 Patented Dec. 15, 1931 r y 365,V
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE HENRY G. DIBELKA, OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DESIGN FOR A RADIATOR CAP Application led September 21, 1931. Serial No. 41,176. Term of patent 3% years.
To all whom t may concern: Fig. l is a top plan View of the radiator Be it known that I, HENRY G. DIBELKA, a cap showing my new design; and Fig. 2 is a citizen of the United States and a resident of Side elevational view of the same. Chicago, in the county 0f Cook and State of I claim: Illinois, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a radiator Cap ornamental Design for a Radiator Cap, of as shown. which the following is a Specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings HENRY G. DIBELKA. forming a part thereof.



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