USD85564S - Design for a soap-dispenser - Google Patents

Design for a soap-dispenser Download PDF


Publication number
USD85564S US D85564 S USD85564 S US D85564S
United States
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A. Woosteb
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Nov. 10, 1931. w Des. 85,564
SOAP DISPENSER Filed Sept. 30, 1931 PHILIP A. woos-ray 7 ma Patented Nov. 10, 1931 D 85,564
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE PIIILIr A. woos'rnn, 01 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA DESIGN 1'03 A SOAP-DISPENSER I Application filed September 80, 1981. Serial No. 41,275. Term of patent 14 yearn.
'To' all whom it may concern: companying drawings, forming part thereof.
Be it known that I, PHILIP A. Woos'rnR, a Fig. 1 is a plan view of a soap-dispenser,
citizen of the'United States of America, reshowing my new design 5 and siding in the city and county of San Francis- Fig. 2 is a side elevation of the same.
co State of California, have invented a new, I claim:
original, and ornamental Design for Soap- The ornamental design for a soap-dispensrs, of which the followingh is a er, as shown.
speclfication, reference being had to t e ac- PHILIP A. WOOSTER.



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