USD85539S - Design fob a chaib ob simoxab abticxe - Google Patents

Design fob a chaib ob simoxab abticxe Download PDF


Publication number
USD85539S US D85539 S USD85539 S US D85539S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
George E. O Heabn
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Nov. 10, 1931. OHEARN Des. 85,539
CHAIR OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Sept. 16, 1931 Patented Nov. 10, 1931 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE GEORGE E. OHEABN, 01 GARDNER, MAssAcHUsErTs DESIGN FOR A CHAIR OB SIIILAR ARTICLE Application filed September 16, 1981. Serial No. 41,119. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective view of a chair Be it known that I, GEORGE E. OHEABN, a showing my new design. citizen of the United States, residing at Gard- I claim ner, in the county of Worcester and State of The ornamental design for a chair or simi- Massachusetts, have invented a new, original, lar article as shown. and ornamental Design for a Chair or Similar Article, of which the followin is a specifica- GEORGE E. OHEARN. tion, reference being had to t e accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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