USD85100S - Alexandeb b - Google Patents

Alexandeb b Download PDF


Publication number
USD85100S US D85100 S USD85100 S US D85100S
United States
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A. R. Kannx
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Sept. 15, 1931. A R, Des. 85,100
ELECTRI C PLUG MEMBER Filed June 27, 1931 Patented Sept. 15, 1931 i D 85,100
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE ALEXANDER R. KANNE', or BROOKLYN, NEW YORK DESIGN FOR AN ELECTRIC PLUG MEMBER Application filed June 27, 1931. Serial No. 40,342. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern: In the drawings:
Be it known that I, ALEXANDER R. KANNE, Fig. 1 is a view in front elevation of a plug a citizen of the United States, residing at embodying my design, and 1640 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, county of Fig. 2 is a side elevation thereof. Kings, New York, have invented a new, origi- I claim: nal, and ornamental Design for an Electric The ornamental design for an electric plug Plug Member, of which the following is a member, substantially as shown. spemfication: ALEXANDER R. KANNE.



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