USD84536S - Design - Google Patents

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Publication number
USD84536S US D84536 S USD84536 S US D84536S
United States
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Oliver Nye
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June 30, 1931.
o. NYE Des. 84,536
Filed April 6, 1931 /E; Z :15: a Y it:
Patented June 30, 1931 Des. 84,536
OLIVER NYE, OF TOLEDO, OHIO DESIGN FOR A KITE Application filed April 6, 1931. Serial No. 39,379. Term of patent 3% years.
To all whom it may concern. I In the drawings,
Be it known that I, OLIvnn NYE, a citizen Fig. 1 1s a plan View, and i of the United States, and resident of T oleglo, Fig. is an elevation of my new design.
county of Lucas, and State of Oh1o, have 111- I olann:
vented a new, original, and ornamental De- The ornamental design for a kite as shown.
sign for a, Kite, of which the following is a In testimony whereof I have hereunto speolficatlon, reference belng had to the acsigned my name to this specification. companying drawlngs, forming a part thereof. OLIVER N YE.



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