USD83379S - Design for an electric lamp - Google Patents

Design for an electric lamp Download PDF


Publication number
USD83379S US D83379 S USD83379 S US D83379S
United States
Prior art keywords
electric lamp
Prior art date
Application number
Robert Tucker
Filing date
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Des. 83,379
R. TUCKER Feb. 17, 1931.
ELECTRIC LAMP Filed Oct. 24. 1930 INVENTOR. QM (Xe/if ATTORNEY Patented Feb. 17, 1931 D 83,379
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE ROBERT TUCKER, 0F JAMAICA PLAIN, MASSACHUSETTS DESIGN FOR AN ELECTRIC LAMP Application filed October 24, 1930. Serial No. 37,365. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective View of an elec- Be it known that 1, ROBERT TUCKER, a trio lamp, showing my new design.
citizen of the United States, residing at I claim:
Jamaica Plain, in the county of Suffolk and The ornamental design for an electric lamp State of Massachusetts, have invented a new, as shown.
original, and ornamental Design for Electric ROBERT TUCKER.
Lamps, of Which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompany ing drawing, forming part thereof.



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