USD83201S - Bene lalique - Google Patents

Bene lalique Download PDF


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USD83201S US D83201 S USD83201 S US D83201S
United States
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Bene Lalique
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R. LALIQUE Feb. 3, 1931.
BOTTLE Filed Dec. 4, 1928 MW m W m mh w 3 A i B Patented Feb. 3, 1931 D 3 201 UNITED STATES PATENT OFF ICE RENE LALIQUE, OF PARIS, FRANCE DESIGN FOR A BOTTLE Application filed December 4, 1928, Serial No. 29,102, and in France November 8, 1928. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the same.
Be it known that I, RENE: LALIQUE, a citi- The bottle is made of oristal, glass or zen of the Republic of France residing at other similar materials. 40 Cours Albert 1", Paris, France, have in- I claim vented a certain new, original, and ornamen- The ornamental design for a bottle substantal Design for Bottles, of which the followtially as shown. ing is a specification, reference being had to In testimony whereof I have aifixed my sigthe accompanying drawing, forming part nature. thereof.
In the said drawing: RENE LALIQUE.
1 is an elevation view of a bottle in accordance with the invention,



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