USD83028S - Desion fob a light screen - Google Patents

Desion fob a light screen Download PDF


Publication number
USD83028S US D83028 S USD83028 S US D83028S
United States
Prior art keywords
light screen
Prior art date
Application number
James Walter Beattie
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Jan. 13, 1931. J. w. BEATTIE 83,028
LIGHT SCREEN Filed Sept. 8, 1930 JAMES WALTER 19547775 I N VEN TOR.
Patented Jan. 13, 1931 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE JAMES WALTER BEATTIE, OI HOLLYWOQOD, CALHORNIA DESIGN 1-03 A LIGHT SCREEN Application filed September 8, 1980. Serial No. 36,900. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern: companying drawing, forming part thereof.
Be itknown that I, JAMES VALTER BEAT- The figure is a plan View of a light screen.
TIE, a citizen of the United States, residing showing my new design. The design is of at Hollywood, in the county of Los Angeles no appreciable thickness.
and State of California, have invented a I claim:
new, original, and Ornamental Design for a The ornamental design for a light screen, Light Screen, of which the following is a as shown and described.
specification, reference being had to the ac- JAS. WVALTER BEATTIE.



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