USD81599S - Design for an ampul - Google Patents

Design for an ampul Download PDF


Publication number
USD81599S US D81599 S USD81599 S US D81599S
United States
Prior art keywords
united states
Prior art date
Application number
Arthur E. Smith
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Des. 81,599
A. E. SMITH July 15, 1930.
AMPUL Filed 001;. 26, 1927 v INVENTOR. A. E S M TH A TTORNE Y.
Patented July 15, 1930 De 81,599
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICIE 7. DESIGN FOR AN AMPUL Application filed October 26, 1927. Serial No. 23,889. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: In the accompanying drawing Fig. 1 is an Be it known that I, ARTHUR E. SMITH, a elevation of an ampul showing my new decitizen of the United States, residing at Los sign; Fig. 2 is a top plan View thereof.
Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles, and I claim:
State of California, have invented a new, The ornamental design for an ampul suboriginal, and ornamental Design for an Amstantially as shown.
pul, of which the following is a specification,
reference being had to the accompanying ARTHUR E. SMITH.
drawing, forming a part thereof.



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