USD80829S - Design for a signal-light casing - Google Patents

Design for a signal-light casing Download PDF


Publication number
USD80829S US D80829 S USD80829 S US D80829S
United States
Prior art keywords
light casing
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Application number
Anthony Coviello
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Des. 80,829
April 1, 1930. A. COVIELLO SIGNAL LIGHT CASING Filed July 8, 1929 Patented Apr. 1, 1930 Des. 80,829
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE ANTHONY COVIELLO, OF DENVER, COLORADO DESIGN FOR A SIGNAL-LIGHT CASING Application, filed July 8, 1929. Serial No. 31,969. Term of patent 14 years.
T 0 all whom it may concern. Fig. 1 is a front elevation of my improved Be it known that I, ANTHONY CovmLLo, signal light casing.
citizen of the United States, residing at the Fig. 2 is an end elevation, and
city and county of Denver and State of (1010- Fig. 8 is a rear elevation thereof.
rado, have invented a new, original, and or- I claim:
namental Design for Signal-Light Casings, The ornamental design for a signal light of which the following is a specification, refcasing, as shown.
erence being had to the accompanying draw- In testimony whereof I afiix my signature.
ing, forming part thereof. ANTHONY COVIELLO.



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