USD79445S - Design for a covered dish or like article - Google Patents

Design for a covered dish or like article Download PDF


Publication number
USD79445S US D79445 S USD79445 S US D79445S
United States
Prior art keywords
covered dish
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Application number
Marc Solon
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Des. 79,445
Sept. 17, 1929. M. SOLON COVERED DISH OR LIKE ARTICLE Filed Dec. 1928 INVENTOR MA RC 3 0L 0N BY 6% WK ATTORNEYS Patented Sept. 17, 1929 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE MARC SOLON, OF TRENTON, NEW JERSEY DESIGN FOR A COVERED DISH OR LIKE ARTICLE Application filed December 3, 1928. Serial No. 29,087. Term of patent 3-} years.
To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a side View of a covered dish or Be it known that I, MARC SOLON, a subject similar article illustrating my new design,
of the King of Great Britain, and resident of Fig. 2 is a plan View thereof, and Fig. 3 is a Trenton, in the county of Mercer and State of fragmentary side view.
New Jersey, have invented a new, original, I claim:
and ornamental Design for a Covered Dish or The ornamental design for a covered dish like Article, of Which the following is a or like article, as shown.
specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, MARC SOLON.
in which-



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