USD212244S - Motor-driven propelling device for toys or similar article - Google Patents

Motor-driven propelling device for toys or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD212244S US D212244 S USD212244 S US D212244S
United States
Prior art keywords
propelling device
similar article
driven propelling
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Takaichi Mabuchi
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Des. 212,244 Patented Sept. 17, 1968 MOTOR-DRIVEN PROPELLING DEVICE FOR TOYS 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Takaichi Mabuchi, Tokya, Japan, assignor t0 Tokyo Kagaku Kabushikikaisha, Tokyo, Japan, a corporation of Japan Filed July 13, 1967, Ser. No. 7,785
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D34--15) Des. 212,244-
PAGE 2 Ii. g- 4 Des. 212,244
PAGE 5 FIGURE 1 is a front elevational view of the motordriven propelling device for toys showing my design;
FIGURE 2 is a. rear elevational view thereof;
FIGURE 3 is a right side elevational view thereof;
FIGURE 4 is a left side elevational view thereof;
FIGURE 5 is a top plan view thereof; and
FIGURE 6 is a bottom plan view thereof.
I claim:
I claim the ornamental design for a motor-driven propelling device for toys or similar article, as shown.
References Cited UNITED STATES PATENTS D. 195,798 7/1963 Scoma D71-1 D. 196,087 8/1963 Armstrong D711 2,519,298 8/1950 Thorp 4693 OTHER REFERENCES Popular Mechanics, December 1952, p. 107.
EDWIN H. HUNTER, Examiner.



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