USD207365S - Refrigerator cabinet - Google Patents

Refrigerator cabinet Download PDF


Publication number
USD207365S US D207365 S USD207365 S US D207365S
United States
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refrigerator cabinet
elevational view
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Chan Fook Leng
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United States Patent 0 REFRIGERATOR CABINET Chan Fook Leng, 56 Tras St., Singapore Filed Feb. 24, 1966, Ser. No. 1,167
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D673) Des. 207,365 Patented Apr. 4, 1967 Des. 207,365
PAGE 4 FIGURE 1 is a front perspective view of the refrigerator cabinet showing my new design, the shelves being in an extended position;
FIGURE 2 is a front elevational view thereof;
FIGURE 3 is a rear elevational view thereof;
FIGURE 4 is a top plan view thereof;
FIGURE 5 is an elevational view taken from the right end of FIGURE 2;
FIGURE 6 is an elev-ational view taken from the left end of FIGURE 2;
FIGURE 7 is another front elevational view thereof, the shelves'being in a retracted position; and
FIGURE 8 is a top plan view of FIGURE 7.
The dominant features of my design reside in the portions shown in full lines.
I claim: The ornamental design for the refrigerator cabinet, as shown and described.
References Cited by the Examiner UNITED STATES PATENTS D. 90,103 6/1933 Carson D673 D. 103,571 3/1937 Hensey D673 D. 189,324 11/1960 Garth D673 D. 200,027 1/1965 COnStantini et a1 D673 2,490,494 12/ 1949 Widman 62258 OTHER REFERENCES Mart Magazine, March 1961, p. 14, Devonair item.
WALLACE R. BURKE, Primary Examiner.
JAMES R. LARGEN, Assistant Examiner.



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