USD199725S - House number plate - Google Patents

House number plate Download PDF


Publication number
USD199725S US D199725 S USD199725 S US D199725S
United States
Prior art keywords
house number
number plate
Prior art date
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Morris Sutton
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United States Patent Ofifice Des-199,725
Patented Dec. 8, 1964 E z, a i 1%! E 5 J 1 7 FIGURE 1 is a perspective view of a house number References Cited by the Examiner i g my design, h f d UNITED sTATEs PATENTS F is a rear e evation view t ereo an k f D. 177,213 3/56 Buccl D749 FIETGZ. 3 1s a sectlonal vlew ta en on me 0 1,767,726 /30 woerz Q 40 140 The dominant features of my design reside in the por- 3'O79714 3/63 Zelgler et fi g gf fun hues WALLACE R. BURKE, Acting Primary Examiner;
The ornamental design for a house number plate, sub- ADELINE B. HANNAH, Examiner. stantially as shown and described.



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