USD196480S - Lawn sprinkler - Google Patents

Lawn sprinkler Download PDF


Publication number
USD196480S US D196480 S USD196480 S US D196480S
United States
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lawn sprinkler
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William E. Portz
Original Assignee
True Temper Corporation
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United States Patent Ofiice [ks-196,48"
Patented Oct. 1, 1963 LAWN SPRINKLER Graham Fee and William E. Portz, Geneva, Ohio, assignors to True Temper Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, a corporation of Ohio Filed Nov. 6, 1962, Ser. No. 72,405
Term of patent 14 years FIGURE 1 is a front perspective view of a lawn sprin- References Cited in the file of this patent kler showing 0111 new design;
FIGURE 2 is a rear perspective view thereof; FIGURE D 1 2 1 I 6 059 3 is a bottom view of a section of the end plate shown 39 Ne Son at the left end of FIGURE 1. OTHER REFERENCES The dominant features of our design reside in the portion shown in solid lines.
We claim:
The ornamental design for a lawn sprinkler, as shown and described.
Hardware Age, October 10, 1957, page 27 Green Spot oscillating sprinkler.



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