USD196135S - Finger ring - Google Patents

Finger ring Download PDF


Publication number
USD196135S US D196135 S USD196135 S US D196135S
United States
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finger ring
elevational view
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John L. Hazelquist
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United States Patent 0 Des. 196,135 Patented Aug. 27, 1963 FINGER RING John L. Hazelquist, Garden City, Mich., assignor to Traub Manufacturing Company, Detroit, Mich., a corporation of Michigan Filed Feb. 4, 1963, Ser. No. 73,413
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D45-10) FIGURE 1 is a perspective view of a finger ring showing my new design;
FIGURE 2 is a top plan view thereof with the broken line showing of the gem omitted therefrom for convenience of illustration;
FIGURE 3 is a left side elevational view thereof;
FIGURE 4 is a front elevational view thereof; and
FIGURE 5 is a right side elevational view thereof.
The band is continuous and has been shown partially in broken lines for convenience of illustration.
The essential features of the design reside in the stone setting.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a finger ring, as shown and described.
I I I I I I I 1/ References Cited in the file of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS D. 100,940 Dinhofer Aug. 25, 1936 D. 189,758 Gibeault Feb. 14, 1961 D. 193,021 Gibeault June 12, 1962 OTHER REFERENCES Deutsche Goldschmiede-Zeitung, November 1957, page 579, item No. 2, pearl ring shown at left center row.
Deutsche Goldschmiede-Zeitung, July 1959, page 367, item No. 2, ring shown in left top panel.



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