USD193542S - Edible serving spoon - Google Patents

Edible serving spoon Download PDF


Publication number
USD193542S US D193542 S USD193542 S US D193542S
United States
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serving spoon
edible serving
united states
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James Gordon
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Patented Sept. 11, 1962 United States Patent 0 ice 193,542
EDIBLE SERVING SPOON James Gordon, 3625 N. Halsted St., Chicago, Ill.
Filed Dec. 21, 1961, Ser. No. 68,019
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D8-1) FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of an edible serving References Cited in the file of this patent Spoon Showing my new design; UNITED STATES PATENTS FIG. 2 is a rear elevational view thereof; and
ti th D. 13,909 Medlar May 15, 1883 Rigg a eleva mm em D. 69,885 Gansle July 28, 1925 The ornamental design for an edible serving spoon, as D 110148 Lazow June 1938 Show 2,521,995 Priddy Sept. 12, 1950



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