USD190772S - Jewelry display carton - Google Patents

Jewelry display carton Download PDF


Publication number
USD190772S US D190772 S USD190772 S US D190772S
United States
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jewelry display
display carton
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Russell I. Cuyler
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United States Patent Ofifice $190,772
Patented June 27, 1961 JEWELRY DISPLAY CARTON Russell I. Cuyler, Lyons, N.Y., assignor to Sarah Coventry, Inc., Newark, N.Y., a corporation of New York Filed Aug. 26, 1960, Ser. No. 61,897
Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D5812.7)
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a jewelry display car- I claim: ton showing the front. top and one end thereof, embody- The ornamental design for a jewelry display carton, ing my new design: and substantially as shown and described.
FIG. 2 is a perspective view thereof, showing the rear, bottom and the same end as shown in FIG. 1; the end References Cited m the file of thls patent not shown is the same as the end shown. UNITED STATES PATENTS D. 173,091 Sandberg Sept. 21, 1954 2,854,182 Dodd Sept. 30, 1958



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