USD190199S - Spoon or similar article - Google Patents

Spoon or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD190199S US D190199 S USD190199 S US D190199S
United States
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Robert A. Eckersberg
Original Assignee
Ekco Products Company
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M D 190,199 Unlted States Patent 0 cc Patented 115,196]
SPOON 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Robert A. Eckersberg, Chicago, Ill., assignor to Ekco Products Company, Chicago, 11]., a corporation of Illinois Filed June 30, 1960, Ser. No. 61,162
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D5412) Fig. l is a front elevational view of a spoon or similar References Cited in the file of this patent angle g P s t? Zi P- thereof UNITED STATES PATENTS 1g. Is a si e e eva Ion view Fig. 3 is an enlarged transverse sectional view taken 11167370 Conroy 21, 1952 on line 3 3 of Fig 1 D. 80,206 Thaler Apr. 30, 1957 I claim: D. 185,211 Jones May 19, 1959 The ornamental design for a spoon or similar article, as shown.



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