USD189925S - Toy gun - Google Patents

Toy gun Download PDF


Publication number
USD189925S US D189925 S USD189925 S US D189925S
United States
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toy gun
united states
new york
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Mahlon E. Hirsch
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Des. 189,925 Patented Mar. 21, 1961 United States Patent Ofificc TOY GUN Mahlon E. Hirsch, Fairview, ia., assignor to Louis Marx & Company, Inc., New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York Filed Nov. 14, 1960, Ser. No. 62,821
Term of patent 14 years Des. 189,925
PAGE 2 Fig. l is a side elevation of a toy gun showing my Iclaim: design; The ornamental design for a toy gun, substantially as Fig. 2 is an opposite side elevation of the same; shown.
Fig. 3 is a rear end view of the same;
i 4 is a fr m end i f h Same; References Cited in the file of this patent Fig. 5 is a top plan view of the same; and UNITED STATES PATENTS Fig. 6 1s a bottom view of the same. 1189373 Brown Feb 28, 1933 D.99,8l8 Marx May 26, 1936 D. 136,948 Bumbaugh Jan. 4, 1944



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