USD189153S - Pressing unit - Google Patents

Pressing unit Download PDF


Publication number
USD189153S US D189153 S USD189153 S US D189153S
United States
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pressing unit
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Ernest Davis
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Patented Nov. 1, 1960 PRESSING UNIT Ernest Davis, Syracuse, N.Y., assignor to Ward Industries Corporation, Syracuse, N.Y., a corporation of Delaware Filed Feb. 8, 1957, Ser. No. 44,804
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D491) FIG.2
Figure 1 is a front perspective view of the pressing unit. References Cited in the file of this patent The side of the pressing unit opposite that shown is the UNITED STATES PATENTS slalnlenpagipsarancc as the slde Sh wn, a the back of the 2,280,288 Forse Apr. 21, 1942 Figure 2 is a front elevational view of the pressing unit. OTHER REFERENCES I claim: Saxe-Freeman Company, Catalog of Quality Supplies The ornamental deslgn for a Pressmg as shown and Equipment for Cleaners, Tailors, Launderers, Hatters, and described.
Furriers, 1948, page 50, the Haertel Vibramover Table.
The Unipress Company Catalog, received November 8, 1950, page 23, model SCCYGB.



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